Measuring Implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS):Integrated MTSS Fidelity Rubric (IMFR)

This project aims to develop a fully validated rubric, including accompanying scoring instructions and materials for schools to use as a self-assessment and researchers to use in studies about integrated MTSS. The project hopes to identify the essential components of an integrated MTSS framework as well as understand the analytic evidence to support the validity and reliability of the IMFR. Finally, the project aims to identify the cost of the IMFR relative to its perceived benefit.

Integrated MTSS Fidelity Rubric (IMFR) is ready for use!

The IMFR helps elementary schools seeking to integrate academics and social-emotional-behavioral supports to understand and strengthen their I-MTSS implementation.

Principal Investigator
Gandhi Allison
Allison Gandhi
American Institutes for Research
Gandhi Allison
Allison Gandhi
American Institutes for Research
Co-Principal Investigators
Erika Lembke
Erica Lembke
University of Missouri
Chris Riley Tillman
Chris Riley-Tillman
University of Missouri
Erika Lembke
Erica Lembke
University of Missouri
Chris Riley Tillman
Chris Riley-Tillman
University of Missouri
Erika Lembke
Erica Lembke
University of Missouri
Chris Riley Tillman
Chris Riley-Tillman
University of Missouri
Jennifer Pierce
Jennifer Pierce
American Institutes for Research Project Director
Andrew Swanlund
Andrew Swanlund
American Institutes for Research Statistician
Andrew Swanlund
Heather Smith
University of Missouri Project Coordinator
Jennifer Pierce
Jennifer Pierce
American Institutes for Research Project Director
Andrew Swanlund
Andrew Swanlund
American Institutes for Research Statistician
Andrew Swanlund
Heather Smith
University of Missouri Project Coordinator
Technical Advisory Group
Matt Burns

University of Missouri

Sandra Chafouleas

University of Connecticut

Lou Danielson

American Institutes for Research

Sara McDaniel 

University of Alabama 


Lasell University

STEVE Goodman

Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative